Top 5 Eco-Friendly Product Ideas For Selling

The concept of eco-friendly products is increasing nowadays and there are many significant reasons for it. The way our race is overexploiting natural resources and polluting the environment has raised serious concerns in the mind of environmentalists. To counter these issues many states had started promoting eco-friendly products which have given a new chance forContinue reading “Top 5 Eco-Friendly Product Ideas For Selling”

What Are The Most Popular eCommerce Sites in The UAE?

UAE has turned into a major eCommerce hub within the past few years. Remember the times when there were only a couple of online shopping stores such as Souq and Namshi in the region but now the market has been flooded with numerous online stores for various products and services in the region. As UAEContinue reading “What Are The Most Popular eCommerce Sites in The UAE?”

What is a Good Website for Finding Sustainable Uniform Materials?

Sustainability is a sign of positivity and confidence. If we talk about this in brief, we mainly point to many things like products relating to footwear, men’s wear, women’s clothing and accessories, kids’ clothes, etc. But one thing that is more important to sustain is kids’ uniforms. We will help you in finding the bestContinue reading “What is a Good Website for Finding Sustainable Uniform Materials?”

Why sustainability is fundamental for schools?

Sustainability is a nice-to-have for independent schools? Think again. It’s fundamental, and here are 3 reasons why, based on the latest business thinking. “Many people anticipate that sustainability might be an additional cost to their businesses (necessary or otherwise), but in fact it makes excellent economic sense. Every project that I oversaw had payback in bothContinue reading “Why sustainability is fundamental for schools?”

Can school uniforms help children stay in school?

At Kapes, we know that the benefits are far-reaching, here and around the globe. Attendance is of course fundamental for learning but the UNESCO Institute of Statistics estimates that almost one third (31%) of primary and secondary age children don’t attend school in sub-Saharan Africa, compared to just 3% in UAE. In Africa where schoolContinue reading “Can school uniforms help children stay in school?”

Top Ten Tips for a Greener School

Schools are a brilliant place to start inspiring your wider community to become more sustainable and eco-conscious. By empowering young people to find their voice, they’ll learn how to become effective change-makers. With increased public awareness about global environmental issues, switching to more sustainable solutions will enable your school to stand out from the crowd,Continue reading “Top Ten Tips for a Greener School”

What can schools learn from the Boohoo scandal?

In July, fashion retailer Boohoo became the latest company embroiled in an ethics scandal, accused of modern slavery. A Sunday Times UK investigation found that Boohoo was selling clothes made in a Leicester factory who were reportedly paying garment workers as little as £3.50 an hour (the minimum wage is £8.50) and failing to protectContinue reading “What can schools learn from the Boohoo scandal?”

Describe the top 5 online websites to buy sustainable school uniforms in the UAE

Sustainability is always better than spending more and spoiling our nature. You can easily safeguard your mother nature by saving its essential resources and by doing less wastage. Clothing is one of the most essential items that is used by everyone. A small change in this can lead to a major change in our nature.Continue reading “Describe the top 5 online websites to buy sustainable school uniforms in the UAE”

Microfibres: the plastic in clothes and how to control where it goes

The ocean is a soup of microplastics. Plastic litter such as drinks bottles, carrier bags, even old shoes are broken down by sunlight and wave action into fragments, and any pieces smaller than 5mm are known as microplastics. Eight million tonnes of waste plastic ends up in the sea each year from land and onceContinue reading “Microfibres: the plastic in clothes and how to control where it goes”

Is your school missing the resale opportunity?

Resale is growing at least 20 times faster than the primary market. A confluence of industry-level, consumer and environmental trends are coming together to transform the industry. For the first time the ultimate bargain is also the most sustainable, ethical, conscious choice available. However, there is enormous room for innovation, particularly in niche categories suchContinue reading “Is your school missing the resale opportunity?”

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