Can school uniforms help children stay in school?

At Kapes, we know that the benefits are far-reaching, here and around the globe. Attendance is of course fundamental for learning but the UNESCO Institute of Statistics estimates that almost one third (31%) of primary and secondary age children don’t attend school in sub-Saharan Africa, compared to just 3% in UAE. In Africa where schoolContinue reading “Can school uniforms help children stay in school?”

Describe the top 5 online websites to buy sustainable school uniforms in the UAE

Sustainability is always better than spending more and spoiling our nature. You can easily safeguard your mother nature by saving its essential resources and by doing less wastage. Clothing is one of the most essential items that is used by everyone. A small change in this can lead to a major change in our nature.Continue reading “Describe the top 5 online websites to buy sustainable school uniforms in the UAE”

Microfibres: the plastic in clothes and how to control where it goes

The ocean is a soup of microplastics. Plastic litter such as drinks bottles, carrier bags, even old shoes are broken down by sunlight and wave action into fragments, and any pieces smaller than 5mm are known as microplastics. Eight million tonnes of waste plastic ends up in the sea each year from land and onceContinue reading “Microfibres: the plastic in clothes and how to control where it goes”

Where to Buy Sustainable Interior Design Materials in UAE? Explain.

Designing and fabric are the two main things that can decide and determine the worth of a place. A good and planned thing can easily help you in getting the best interiors for your home. You can opt for some sustainable interior design materials to make your place a better one. To create a pieceContinue reading “Where to Buy Sustainable Interior Design Materials in UAE? Explain.”

Recycled uniforms and blended learning – welcome to the schools of the future

Education has been forced into huge change during 2020, with COVID-19 pandemic resulting in school closures around the world, and more than 1.2 billion children out of the classroom globally, according to the World Economic Forum. So changes that were perhaps already underway at a relatively slow pace were put into place immediately out ofContinue reading “Recycled uniforms and blended learning – welcome to the schools of the future”

From Where to Get Sustainable Interior Design Materials?

Interiors play an essential role in deciding the vibes of a place. You can quickly design your interiors properly by following small things. Sometimes minor changes can lead to major results and increase the attractiveness of a place. If you want to get a cool place and don’t want to spend a lot of money,Continue reading “From Where to Get Sustainable Interior Design Materials?”

From Where to Get the Most Sustainable School Uniforms?

Uniforms are very essential for school children. A child grows very quickly and hence might require a new uniform every year. This fresh purchase will take a larger section from your savings and will impact your financial stability also. You can quickly save this extra expenditure by switching your normal uniforms with some sustainable schoolContinue reading “From Where to Get the Most Sustainable School Uniforms?”

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